

The annoying sound of my alarm beeping, and the run rays peeping through the blinds. I lazily stretch my hand to get the alarm without opening my eyes.

After a lot of struggles I finally switch off the alarm and as soon I lay back peacefully my phone again decided to ring. "I swear to god whoever this is, is definitely dying today!" I annoyingly pick up my phone and see Mrs.Singhania name flashing on it.

"I take my words back" I pick to the call, "hi beta"
"Ji Maa" I answer her softly  and politely. Can't let her know the bitch I am. "Are you free today at lunch or dinner?" She asks me her voice was a little hesitant. "I'll check my schedule and message you Maa".

"Okay dear take care"

"Take care Maa" with that I cut the call and move to start another boring day of my life. After getting ready I move downstairs to see papa waiting for me.

"Hi beta"

"Hi papa"

"Mummy kaha hai?" I asked him curiously roaming my eyes around the house.

"She went for a client meet" he answers removing the seat for me.

"Naina The Singhanias called us over for lunch or dinner, whenever you are free"

"Yes I know Maa called me" I answer him chewing my food.

"You are free right?" He asks looking at me curiously.

"Of course papa, you know I'll always make time for you all" my voice was calm and sweet, even tho he is my step-father but he never let us feel that. He has always treated us like we are his own family.

We have the rest of our food in silent, I wanted to talk to him but when I checked the time I was later running late. "Bye papa take care!" I side hug him before dashing out of the house.

It was around lunch time when I call my secretary. To make adjustments in my schedule. "Yes Ma'am" he says entering my cabin. We both have been really close almost like friends he has been working for me since I started ruling the Malhotra industries. My most trusted Man here.

In the start there were also rumours of us dating, cause he is my P.A so he is mostly with me duh.
"What my schedule after lunch today?"

"Noting much Ma'am you just have a meeting with Mr.Reyansh Singhania at 4 PM and before that a meeting with the board of directors "

"Okay thank you"

"Anytime Ma'am" he says leaving the cabin. Wait did I tell you who my P.A is? Mihir Singhania yep the youngest Singhania. He runs an art gallery and also works for me.

I do try to help him whenever I can but most of the time he rejects it saying he should learn things. I won't be lying if I say he is my favourite Singhania.

I was going through a file when I hear a knock on my door "come in" Mihir enters inside "Ma'am the directors are ready" "come let's go" we both move to the boardroom. Discussing a few things. "Let's end this meeting here then" I state my voice was stern.

"But Ms.Malhotra the way you are handling things doesn't show any improvement instead you are just falling day by day" Mr.Ahuja says. Okay so now we are playing this.

"And on what point are you accusing me Mr.Ahuja?"

"No like I have been here for a very long time, but I have never seen someone leaving the county suddenly and coming back after 5 years, why?"

"If you have been here for a long time you should know that we also have a branch in U.S which needs to be handled am I wrong Mr.Ahuja?"

"No but how was it that important that you left immediately after your fathers death and did not even come to your own Mothers weeding, I get it woman are weak and they can't handle things as we do they need to grieve for months before feeling better, and if someone even asks a little they start to cry a river" a chuckle leaves his mouth in the end.

As soon as he says that Mihir gets him and gives a hard punch to him on the nose. All the others members look at him in shock.

"Mr.Ahuja mind your language when you talk about woman, and also the one you are accusing to be weak can make you bankrupt in a span of few seconds"  His voice was deep and a warning was clear in his tone.

"Mr.Ahuja is no more a member of the board of directors" I announce before making my way out of the room, just when a thought clicks my mind.

I walk back in, go towards Mr.Ahuja and whisper in his ears "think twice before messing with Naina Malhotra cause I could murder you and make it look like a accident, you are aware I have enough power and intelligence to do so, and people won't even know cause they believe everything they see on the news like you did" he shivers as I make my way out of the room

Me and Mihir were in the lift when I break the silence "I didn't know Mihir Singhania could be so dangerous as well, I though you are a innocent one"

"He crossed his limits Ma'am I am sorry if I did something wrong"

"Shut up don't be sorry you did the right things, he deserved it" I pat his head as the elevator dings open.


I was sitting in my cabin debating on how I should text Naina. Should I say hi or hiii but wouldn't hii be too casual and friendly?

You can do it Reyansh come on it's not a big deal, you are messaging her, to inform about your visit. Let go.

[A/N: R is Reyansh and N is Naina]

Amara ☁️🦋

R: hey Naina

N: Hi

R: are you free right now? For the meeting?

N: yes you can come.

R: on my way.

N: okay, drive safe.

R: byeee

N: bye

"Oh ho Kya save kiya hai bhai Naam" I get startled by the sudden noise, I look at the intruder just to find my dear friend Kabir standing and pepping in my phone.

"Privacy namak cheez hoti hai" I close my phone and keeping it on the table.

"Leave all of that, I need your help" he says.

"I have a meeting now"

"Let's talk on our way there, come" he says going out of cabin, I just walk behind him as we both settle down in the car.

"Tell me what help do you need" i asks me buckling seatbelt. "My wife is angry at me and won't talk to me, tell me how to beg for her forgiveness" I give him a 'are you serious right now' look.

"What don't look at me like that I am serious" he says in defence. A sigh escaping my mouth. "Listen to me Kabir, go to her try and talk it out cause both of you need to know the both sides to clear the misunderstanding and once that's done than treat her with her favourite meal cause the way to someone heart is through their stomach, and the most important thing promise yourself that you will NEVER repeat it ever again, also treat her better then last time cause it's better late than never"

"However I feel bad for her, how does she even handle you" he gives me a side-eye as I park the car in the driveway.

"Byeee" he waves at me while I wave back and move inside the building. I go towards the reception and ask them about Naina cabin.

"Excuse me?"

"Hi sir, how can I help you?"

"I need to meet Ms.Malhotra, can you tell me where's her cabin?"

"Ms. Kainaat Malhotra, or Ms.Naina Malhotra?"

"Ms.Naina Malhotra"

"This way please sir" she guides me as I follow her, to the highest floor and there are only 2 cabins here one is for her P.A and the other is hers.

I knock and the door hearing a come in from the other side I enter inside. "Hey" I tell her looking at the cabin. It's a light brown coloured cabin, which has a blue sofa and of course her desk the monotone is really pretty.

"Just like her"
My subconscious mind kicks in

Her brows are furrowed indicating someone messes up with something her fingers tapping on the key board aggressively, I feel bad for that phone pata nahi kya shena parta hoga usko.

"Let's start the meeting" she says getting up as I follow her. After discussing the presentation. We move out. Naina phone rings catching her attention. "Ji Maa" damn the change in her tone. No matter what but I have to say she really respects her family and my family, she might do anything but to disrespect them.and no I am not calling her two faced she treats people according to how they deserve it. A queen indeed

They talk over the call as she ends the call, she turns towards me, "are you going home?"she asks me. "I'm , why?" "Let's go together, don't you know we have a family dinner?"

"Oh ya come let's go" we go to the parking lot and I realise my car is with is Kabir forehead slam
"Can we go in your car, cause one of friends took my car"
"Ya sure" she takes out the car keys and hands it to me.

I sit in the car and move out of the driveways. "Do you know the reason for this sudden family dinner?" She asks facing me. "Nope, maybe just casual cause you just came back" I answer her shrugging my shoulder.

"Hmm might be" she rests back and take out her phone doing something. "Naina" I tell her as she looks at me with those doe eyes which is shining with curiosity right now. "Ji?"

"How about we get married?" I voice out my thoughts. "Propose karne ka tarika Thode casual nahi lagraha apko?" Naina says, the huge smile on her face her eyes sparkling.

Ah man she never fails to make my heart skip a beat. God how can someone be so beautiful effortlessly?

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