
My peaceful sleeps gets interrupted by the continuous ringing of my phone as well. Sometimes I have this urge inside me to smash this stupid device on the floor. After cursing each and every existing thing on this planet.

I finally pick up my phone, Reyansh name flashing on the screen. "Kya hai itni Subha?" I ask him getting irritated. "Arey arey na hi na hello" he answers. "If you don't have anything to say I am cutting the call on the count of 3"

["what is it this early in the morning"]

["at least greet me"]

"Accha Accha listen!!" He says from the other side.

["okay okay listen"]


"I am standing outside your house, and also open your bedroom door, there is something for you"

"Okay I'll be there in a bit" I tell him before hanging up. Getting up from the bed I open my bedroom and find a box there. I pick it placing it on the bed.

My eyes catch the note on the box.

"From only yours Rey"

A smile forms on my lips he knows very well receiving gifts have never being my type cause I don't like it when someone spends money on me. I would rather be more happy if they spend it on themselves instead.

But when it's him I treasure those gifts. He is the only one whose gifts always stole my heart. But this time it's different. He always gifts me letters or handmade things. For the first time it's not those.

The reason I don't like receiving gifts from others is.
People call buying expensive gifts for each other romantic, many people out there manipulate others with expensive gifts.

I think a lot of people don't understand what real romance is.Anyone can buy flowers, candy and jewelry, there's no love in that. The truly romantic things in life are those little things you do every day to show you care, and that you're thinking of them.
It's going out of your way to make them happy.

The way you hold her hand when you know she's scared, or you save the last piece of cake for him.

The random text in the middle of the day, just to say "I love you" or "I miss you". The way he stops to kiss you when he passes by.

It's dedicating her favorite song to her, and letting her eat your fries; telling her she's beautiful, even when she's in her sweats; with her hair in a ponytail and no makeup.

It's putting your favorite show on pause so she can tell you about her day, and laughing at his jokes, even the really lame ones.

It's slow dancing in the kitchen and kissing in the rain.
Romance isn't about buying, it's about giving. True romance is in the gestures.

That is the type of love I have fantasised since teenage years. And I know Reyansh is the person to love me that way.

My Rey Rey.

The box had a dress, ring, necklace and heels. This man knows me too well.

Quickly getting ready with minimal makeup I make my way to his car. There he was standing leaning on his car, wearing blank shades with a blue shirt and black pants. Even in such simple attire he can make my heart skip a beat and look freaking hot.

His gaze scanning me from top to bottom. "You are looking beautiful" he says looking at me with such adoration in his eyes. "Thank you" I tell him as he opens the door to the passenger seat.

We both sit inside and he drives away. "Reyansh"

"Ji Reyansh ki jaan" I don't answer him rather I just look at him when my mind goes back to the first time I met him.

Still can't believe how a random guy I didn't even know the existence of loves me unconditionally today

"Do you remember when we first met?" "Huh?" He looks at me with a confused expression.

"We first met at my 16th birthday party didn't we?" He asks me. A smile creeps on my face so he doesn't remember.

"Yes" I answer him shifting my gaze on the clouds in the sky. "But why did you ask that?" He asks me. "Just like this"

I answer him.

My mind goes back to our first meet. The staring of all this.

Oh Reyansh some day for sure l'll tell you all this. I'll tell our kids how your mother trusted her guts that day. I'll tell them the game of fate and destiny, when these 2 agree when the most impossible thinking, and all the delusions of a person can become reality.

Mai unhe kahonge kaise jise mai bhaiya bulati thi vo mera saiyaan bane wala hai.

Hamara bhaiya se saiyaan tak ka safar.


Naina-8th grade

Reyansh-10th grade.

I am sitting in the reception of my school, cause no one is here yet. It's my first ever competition I have taken a part in. I was just tapping my foot on the floor as the nervousness takes over me.

We are total 4 people who are going one is a 10th grade another a 9th grader and one more is the only boy the head boy of our school. So ya I am the youngest here. I also got to know about the head boy Apparently he is a gentleman.

He is very popular specially among the high schoolers, for his intelligence and blah blah. When I asked my best friend about him she gasped so loudly. And asked how do I not know him?! That's when I hit realisation. 'So he is the hot guy every girl talk about? The best friend of the head girl and the 10th grader who is coming with us.

Just then a boy rushes inside, he pushed his hair back looking at the watch in his hand, he looked very tensed.

My guts folded "is it him?" I have never had such a strong gut feeling ever. It's like the universe is telling me it's him. I have never seen him, so I have no clue. He again comes back to ask one of the workers about the teacher who will be with us.

That's where I knew I have to say it I stand up from the couch "Reyansh Bhaiya" I ask him as a knot forms between my eyebrow. He looks at me all confused.

"Yes?" He answers out of uncertainty. As soon as we made a eye contact I felt the time stopped around us.

The only thing that is visible to me now is him.

His neatly gelled hair, clear glasses, brown eyes shining as the sun rays hit him. He looks like a model even in the uniform.

"Oh so you are Reyansh bhaiya, I am here for the competition" I answer him as he realises everything.

"Oh I see" he rubs his hands in nervousness. He takes a seat in front of me at the chairs.

Just then a teacher comes to us telling us to move to Swati Ma'am's cabin the teacher who is accompanying us. I was moving up when he asks me.

"Do you know where is her cabin?" He asks nervously.

Oh right she just got a cabin or else she used to on our floor. I chuckled lightly seeing how nervous he is the way he is scratching the back of his head or his hand.I answered him "I do come I'll show you" he follows me

as we reach the cabin, but to our luck it was locked.

We just stand outside. "So how were your exams?" I ask him he looks at me "ya they were good" just then a boy I supposed from 3rd class came and asks him question.

"Are you the topper bhaiya?" The boy looking at him.

"No no I am not" he answers. The boy turns to me "didi he is the topper right?" The boy asks me pointing a finger at Reyansh bhaiya.

He signals me to not tell him, wait is he the topper?

Cause I really don't know. "No dear I don't know cause I am not from his class" I answer the little boy.

"He is cute"

Says a voice in my brain.

I meet with the other student who is going to be with us Myra Di I am pretty close with her.

A maid comes and unlocks the room we 3 get inside. Me and Myra Di were standing side by side while he was in front of us. It was all silent until he broke it. "How is Aastha Myra?" He asks her. Wait what the fuck! How does he know her and not me! Okay leave about me but why does he asking about another girl.

But why does it bother me? Anyways we talk a little after a while all of us leave for the competition it was all fun.

I couldn't help but to take secret glances at him. He even won the 2nd price, I clapped my hands I am sure I have never ever clapped my hands this loud. I tried talking to him, we even played volleyball together, where him and me were in the same team. But I suck at sports.

We were on our way back to school talking about random things, more like Niyathi di and Myra Di discussing their next flied trip destination and recommending them to Swati Ma'am.

"How about a pottery shop?" Niyathi di asks Ma'am,

"that's cool" she answers. Myra di and Niyathi di were at the back seat while me and Ma'am were on the middle seat and Reyansh bhaiya seated on the passenger seat.

But still inke kaan there hogaye and he answers "ap ne baccho ko le ke ja sakte va Ma'am" he answers turning back looking at Ma'am with a charming smile on his face.

["can we take our kids there?"]

For a second I thought what would happen if he looked at me and smiled? What would happen if his eye connect with mine and he lets it last for a few seconds?

I shrug on my thought "ap ne bacche!!oh ho budhe miya" Ma'am says laughing while we join along. My gaze still lingering on him, his soft laughs echoes in the background making my heart flutter.

["our kids? Woah old Man"]

I quickly avert my face from him, trying to distract my self and engage in the conversation. We were almost at our destination.

Ah Naina this might be the last time you talk to him so go ahead and start a conversation. "Reyansh bhaiya so since when have you been writing? Cause your poetry today was mind blowing" I ask him.

He tilts his head a little the side of his eye seeing me, a strand of his hair falls on his glasses, my heart skips a beat. "Ah since 3 vears. what about vou?" He asks me

but my throat runs dry, no words forming.

Fuck my he is so hot. Even though it was just half of his face oh fuck I am a goner. "Oh um I have been doing it since 3 years as well ya 3 years" I answer him completely shifting to the back I take out my water bottle chugging it down in one go.

I swear to god he is going to be the death of me someday.

We reach back to our school after the competition, I was rushing upstairs to talk to Ma'am, and from behind he also came running, the staircase is not so big, in the running game, our shoulders bump into each other side to side. The only gap between.

He looked completely astonished by the proximity, his eyes balls looked like it would pop out any minute, "| am so sorry" I answer him taking a step back. He snaps his head by my voice "N-No it's okay be careful" he says walking away.

That day after getting home I was the happiest person, even though I didn't win, but still I was so Happy I am sure l was never this happy ever in my entire life.

The entire day I felt an emotion I never did before, a different type of happiness I never felt. It all felt very foreign. I was liking it but at the same time I wanted to go back again in time and meet him. I wanted to relive all those moments.

Flashback ends~

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