

Reyansh's legs give out beneath him, and he collapses onto the cold, hard floor. The pain in his chest is unbearable, as if someone has taken a hot iron and seared it directly onto his heart.

The tears come freely now, uncontrollable, a torrent that refuses to be stopped. He tries to take in deep breaths, but every inhale feels like a struggle against the very air he needs to survive.

"Why, Naina? Why are you doing this to me?" he whispers, his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. His hands clutch at his chest, as if he can somehow physically hold together the pieces of his shattered heart.

The video continues to play on the wall, but Reyansh can't focus on it anymore. The images blur together as his vision becomes clouded by his tears.

All he can see is Naina's face, the anguish in her eyes, the pain she tried so hard to hide behind that mask of coldness. Her words replay in his mind, echoing like a cruel taunt. "Hate me, Reyansh. Please, hate me."

"But how can I hate you, Naina? How can I hate the person who is my everything?" he chokes out, his voice barely a whisper.

Aarav's earlier question rings in his ears. What do you mean, Bhabi? Reyansh wishes he had the courage to ask the same, but deep down, he knows. There's something she's not telling him, something she's trying to protect him from.

But in her attempt to save him, she's tearing him apart.

He stays on the floor, numb and broken, as the night stretches on. Time loses meaning, and all that remains is the overwhelming grief that consumes him.

Eventually, the video ends, leaving the room in darkness, save for the faint glow of the stars on the ceiling. Naina had changed them for him, a reminder of their love, a love that now feels so distant, so unattainable.

Suddenly, a thought strikes him. He scrambles to his feet, his hands shaking as he grabs his phone. His fingers fumble as he dials Naina's number, but it goes straight to voicemail.

Panic sets in, and he tries again, and again, but each time, it's the same. She's gone.

"No...no...no!" Reyansh cries out, his voice echoing through the empty room. Desperation claws at him as he throws the phone across the room, where it shatters against the wall. But the pain inside him doesn't lessen. It only grows, consuming him whole.

He rushes out of the room, his mind frantic, thoughts racing. He has to find her. He has to understand why. The mansion is eerily silent as he runs through the corridors, his footsteps echoing off the marble floors.

But no matter how fast he runs, the emptiness around him feels suffocating, a reflection of the void within him.

Finally, he reaches the front door and throws it open, stepping out into the cool night air. The stars above are shining brightly, but they offer no comfort. The world feels too big, too cruel, and he's lost within it.

His heart pounds in his chest as he stares out into the night, his mind racing with possibilities. Where could she have gone?

Why would she leave him like this? He doesn't know where to start, but he knows he can't just stay here. He has to find her, to bring her back. He can't let her walk away from him, from them.

With a determined resolve, Reyansh takes a step forward, his mind set on one thing—finding Naina, no matter what it takes. The love they share is too deep, too powerful to be broken by whatever secret she's hiding. He won't give up on her, on them. Not now, not ever.

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